Leaving San Jose

This afternoon I’m leaving California – Bronwyn and I just came home from lunch with Molly and her husband Jon, and Jon’s going to drive me to the airport in a little while (thank you!). This morning we went to the mall so I could buy a DVD, a journal and two pairs of tennis shoes – it was a lovely surprise that Bronwyn got the day off work, as we hadn’t really been able to spend much more than weekends and evenings together. I’ll miss her so much! *hearts*

The highlight of my time here was probably the Halloween party organized by Corli (one of Bronwyn’s friends) and held here in the apartment building. Everyone was dressed up, including myself (as a hobbit lad, including ears, foothair and a pipe, courtesy of no less than four people donating costume parts *g*), and I’ll be sure to post my photos soon, as we were all very pretty!

Other than that I’ve been to San Francisco (I seriously love that city!), and here in San Jose to the very interesting Egyptian museum (which has a very cool replica of a rock tomb as its main attraction), to The Tech (which has fun hands-on exhibits as well as an IMAX cinema) and, with Bronwyn, to the Winchester Mystery House, the weirdest house I’ve ever been to, with stairs that lead into ceilings, windows that lead nowhere and doors that lead into thin air… Also, Bronwyn’s flatmate Kathy took me to Santa Cruz on Halloween. It was already dark when we got there, but the whole town was out and about celebrating, so it was a lot of fun.

Overall I haven’t really done all that much, but I’ve met so many awesomely nice people: Molly, Jon and their son Zach, Kel, Corli, Ronnie, Glen, Avi, Mira (in San Francisco, which was great fun – such a lovely lady!), Kathy and her brother Kris (who took us to dinner in the Apple cafeteria, which made my Mac lovin’ heart happy) and several more. Thanks to all of you for making these two weeks special – most of all of course my darling Bronwyn! *hugs*

Now I’m quite nervous about going to New Zealand – I really dislike long distance flight, and I’m just hoping that things will go smoothly once I’m in Wellington. The people from Victoria University are supposed to pick me up and drop me off at the youth hostel, and I have to find out the whens, wheres and hows of moving into my residence hall and the orientation week for international students… Yes, definitely nervous, but I’ll be sure to check back with you guys when I’ve arrived!

Quick update

Because some of you might be worried after hearing about the fires in California on the news: Here in San Jose there doesn’t seem to be any danger. We’re quite a bit higher north than Los Angeles, at the foot of the San Francisco bay. It’s summer-y (almost 30°C) but not extremely hot – apparently it was cool and raining until I arrived on Friday night.

Other than that we haven’t been doing all that much so far, because of my jetlag, headaches (I’ve had them pretty much every day, probably because of the weather, but Bronwyn had an actual migraine this weekend) and today a stomach bug of some kind. So we’re mostly just enjoying each other’s company and I love meeting some of my online friends and hanging out with them.

I’ve seen parts of San Jose (the 10th biggest city in the US, but it doesn’t feel that way) and will go explore Bronwyn’s neighbourhood on foot in a little while. We’re also planning trips to the beach in Santa Cruz and (of course!) to San Francisco, and I’m looking forward to meeting some more of my online friends face-to-face. Truth be told, after all the stress of preparing for New Zealand, I’m enjoying the pressure-free life very much…


This has been a REALLY long day, seeing that I left home over 24 hours ago with my parents, but I’ve now reached my friend Bronwyn’s place in San Jose (near San Francisco). I’m exhausted but not really sleepy – gotta love jetlag… Also, my luggage didn’t make it here, probably because it took forever to clear customs in Los Angeles – there were only 40 minutes to spare before my connecting flight left. It should be delivered tomorrow. Or rather, today. *crosses fingers*

I’m very glad to be here and am looking forward to two weeks in beautiful California…

Btw, during the day the only connection to the world I had was via Twitter, which can be updated by text message. You’ll see round-up posts of my Twitter postings here once a day (if I make any, that is). But boy, that old tri-band mobile phone sure has its kinks – I can’t wait to get to New Zealand and use my pretty new one (bought in Singapore) again. /end randomness

Almost gone…

Checked in my luggage (one big suitcase, one big backpack) at the train station today. This makes it all the more real, but, occasional anxiety attacks aside, it still feels not very different from my usual trips. Except that I’m not coming home this time – at least not to this home, as my parents are moving while I’m gone. Which adds a whole other level of strange to the experience.

But first I have to actually get there – I’ve now booked hostel accomodation for the week before university orientation and announced my intention to visit my friend Denise and her family in New Plymouth (where I spent six weeks in 2003 and fell in love with beautiful New Zealand). So now all I’m missing is final word on uni accomodation – let’s hope it comes soon, but first I’m looking forward to spending two weeks with my friend Bronwyn near San Jose, California!

Hello from Switzerland!

I finally managed to get scanned some of the pictures I took in America – plus a couple from the recent skiing trip with my family.

It's taken me ages, I'm sorry – I've been not really well all semester, but now I slowly get back to normal. I'm also planning my next big trip – this summer to New Zealand and Australia!

Okay, so the New Zealand trip is not just for pleasure – for my university major, Cultural Anthropology, I need to do 'field work', meaning I have to go and study another culture. Since I know an awfully nice Kiwi girl, who has the best connections, and always wanted to go visit her and her family anyway, I decided to learn about the Maori.

After that, since I'm down there anyway, I'll go over to Australia and visit Willa, who I met in DC last fall. We want to go traveling together for a bit – and I do hope that it all works out!

Anyway here are the pics:

Boston's skyline, from Charlestown on the other side of the harbour, where that old ship lies. I love this city – it's one of the most beautiful in the US, in my opinion.

This was my favorite spot – a bench at the Charles River.

This is Jenny, from Ohio. We met at the hostel and went exploring together.

After Boston I went to Cape Cod, where I stayed in Provincetown – town of the rainbow flag… 😉

The weather was beautiful, so I spent a lot of time on the beach.

I did a short detour to Canada and visited beautiful Montreal. This is the view from Mont Royal – hard to believe that the day before it was storming, isn't it?

I went to Pittsburgh mainly to visit my two online friends Rhonda and Missy – but I really liked it there. This is the Point, where two rivers with terribly complicated names (the Monongahela and the Allegheny, thanks to Susie !) flow together into the Ohio (I think).

These are me and my friends, in front of a club – we had a really good time together!

The next stop was Washington D.C. – a lot of American history and politics to be seen there…

I did all my sightseeing (here Arlington Cemetery) there together with two Australians (Luke and Adam) and a kangoroo named Diesel. *g*

I'd been looking forward to a visit in the Air and Space museum of the Smithonian Institute – but these handsome coast guards were an unexpected bonus! 😉

To New York City I traveled with another Aussie, Willa – and the first thing we did was the Staten Island ferry, which gives you a phenomenal view over Manhattan's skyline and the Statue of Liberty. And all for free! 😉

I met a lot of people at the hostel there – and Adam (the one with the kangoroo *g*) and Luke were there, too. It was fun, believe me! LOL

The mandatory visit to the Empire State Building – Cam (Zimbabwe), Adam, me, and Willa, enjoying the sunset.

On the day Sibylle came over from Switzerland Willa and I walked over the Brooklyn Bridge – another opportunity to see the skyline…

Sibylle and I were rained on on Wallstreet…

Of course we also spent time in NYC's green lung, the famous Central Park. Very beautiful – but believe me, after 10 days, I had enough of the city!

We stayed with Sibylle's former host parents in North Carolina for a bit, then we traveled down to Florida, where we discovered beautiful Clearwater Beach.

We saw gorgeous sunsets like this every day – simply breathtaking! Not something one gets used to…

We did a canoe trip in the Everglades. The hostel there kicks ass – it's the best I've ever stayed in, mostly thanks to the staff. We had a great day there and would have loved to stay longer.

Graham sent me this pic: Tim and Miranda from Holland, Graham, me, and Sibylle – and you don't even see that we were eaten alive by moskitos… *g*

Our last stop was Miami Beach, but we also spent a night in Key West, the Southern most point of the US, really close to Cuba. I don't have any pictures scanned from there, because unfortunately the scanner decided to stop working, so the pic from our last sunset in the US is the last…

Two weeks ago I went skiing with my family – we went to Pontresina in Graubünden, one of the most beautiful parts of the Swiss alps. The skiing was fun and the mountains were gorgeous…

The view from our hotel room – complete with Swiss flag. 😉

The view over the Engadin valley from Muotas Muragl (a word from the local language, an ancient tongue related to Latin) – to our feet the posh St. Moritz.

My parents didn't ski but went for walks, and one day my brother Michael and I went with them, into the valley of Rosegg. Breathtaking – but exhausting… *g*

Okay, that's it for the moment – next week Sibylle and I'll go to Sharm El Sheik in Egypt for a week of sun and beach. Can't wait to escape the cold!

Take care, everyone!


Okay, it's over – I'm sitting at my own laptop again… *sniff*

I had such a great time, specially the last week in Florida and I really didn't want to go home – but still, it always feels good to be back in my own room, with my own family, in my own country (even if it's rainy and cold…).

Since I'm trying to beat jet lag as quickly as possible I didn't go to bed at all, instead I worked on my class schedule and helped my brother with his. On top of that we got DSL installed – not without problems, but at least it seems to work.

I should try to get in touch with people (missed y'all A LOT, folks!), but I guess that has to wait till tomorrow… The lists will have to wait a bit longer – too much on my mind at the moment.

I'll send off my six roles of film (195 pictures!!) tomorrow – so stay tuned for when I'll post some of them here… Hugs, peeps! *g*


Something I've dreamed of for years has come true – I got to see the Everglades!

We're staying at the best hostel imaginable, in Homestead, and did a canoe tour through part of that incredible national park. The people are really wonderful and, except for the terrible nuisance that are moskitos, today was amazing!

I'd love to stay longer, but time's running out.

Tomorrow we're going to Key West, just for the afternoon and night – Saturday we have to finally definitely head to Miami for our flight home on Sunday. DON'T WANT TO!!! *g*

I'll catch up with y'all when I'm home – and stay tuned for some great pictures! Hugs!

Florida!!! (Clearwater Beach)

Okay, we've been in beautiful sunny Florida since Sunday – and we're enjoying every single minute!!! It's amazingly warm and the beach here in Clearwater is a dream! Nik and Deb – now I understand completely why you both miss Florida so much…

Don't really have time, but just wanted to let you know what a wonderful time we have here. Tomorrow we're heading for the Everglades – a dream of mine – and then to Key West before going to Miami. Our flight leaves from there on Sunday – I can't believe it's almost over… *sniff*

Okay, I hope everyone is doing fine – don't have the time to really read my email, sorry! Promise to get back to everyone as soon as possible! Hugs!

Cary, North Carolina

I know I've been somewhat MIA this week, but finding time and opportunities to update hasn't been easy…

We left New York on Tuesday night – truth be told I'd had about enough of the Big Apple… I've spent 10 1/2 days there, and with all the problems we experienced at our crappy hostel I felt relieved when we sat on the bus to Raleigh.

That's not to say that I didn't enjoy my stay – specially the last three days were really good. Among other things Sibylle and I went to see the Broadway musical 'Rent' (with Joey Fatone for those interested…), which was really great!

Now we're taking it easy in this small town outside of Raleigh – we're staying with Sibylle's former host family and enjoy not having to rush around for a change. And since I got an ugly cold I'm specially grateful for the comforts of a home – and a room of my own! *g*

Okay, that's about it for now – tomorrow night we'll head South, towards Florida! I want to check out Gainesville, the home of the university of Florida, and we both die to see Cape Canaveral (where they launch the space ships) and to catch some relaxing beach time…

Hugs everyone!!

New York

Still in the Big Apple – it's been an eventful stay so far… Sibylle arrived on Tuesday and we've been suffering in a VERY bad hostel, but try not to let it bring us down too much.

The first three days (with people I met in D.C. and at the first hostel here) were really busy and exciting – now we're taking it a bit easier. We're still here till Tuesday night and have some more things we definitely want to do, like going clubbing and to a Broadway show.

I love the people I've met so far – a trip to Australia seems to be looming in the not so distant future… *g*

Big hugs to everyone – miss you guys, be it family, RL or online friends…