Tweets from 2013-12-23

  • Arrived in Singapore. Tired (unsurprising, it's midnight in NZ) but looking forward to meeting Amy before flying on to Zurich in 7 hours… 00:22:49, 2013-12-23
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: J.R.R. Tolkien (14), Florence + the Machine (4) & Tamora Pierce (3) #music 02:53:38, 2013-12-23
  • Feeling mostly human again after a lovely shower which cost barely more than a bottle of coke… Thanks for the tip – and the company, Amy! 04:52:30, 2013-12-23
  • Sunrise at the horizon… Just landed in Zurich – hello, Switzerland! But oh, staying up until tonight is not going to be fun… 19:44:33, 2013-12-23

Tweets from 2013-12-21

  • Just arrived in Auckland & met up with Kirstine (from National Park) to kill time until we can check into our respective hostels at 2pm. 12:40:02, 2013-12-21
  • So I had the great idea to ship some summer stuff home – but on Saturdays even in big Auckland post offices are closed completely or early! 15:49:29, 2013-12-21
  • Hee – the hostel messed up my booking, so instead of sharing a 5-bed dorm I seem to have a 2-bed room for myself. Lovely! 18:40:50, 2013-12-21

Tweets from 2013-12-20

Tweets from 2013-12-17

  • Not used to getting up with an alarm clock anymore – but now no one's around to check my room & take my key (did tell them yesterday)… 06:59:57, 2013-12-17
  • On the train now,nice 5hrs to National Park.Good bye Wellington, I'll definitely see you again! Btw,my NZ mob & internet prob won't work. πŸ™ 07:45:08, 2013-12-17
  • Arrived in National Park YHA after a beautiful & relaxing train trip. Only one walk from the village itself, will take a shuttle tomorrow. 14:30:30, 2013-12-17
  • Unbelievable – half an hour into a short hike my newly fixed hiking boots fell apart again! Good thing I brought my proper sneakers… Grr! 16:57:53, 2013-12-17
  • It really is beautiful here in National Park: 17:09:53, 2013-12-17

Tweets from 2013-12-16

Tweets from 2013-12-14

  • Good thing I wore my hiking boots yesterday because they've started to come apart. Having them fixed until Monday. Now off to Scorching Bay! 10:51:06, 2013-12-14
  • Lovely coastal walk to the sandy beach of Scorching Bay. The Chocolate Fish Cafe is now Scorch-o-rama, but the pretty mural is still there.. 13:41:00, 2013-12-14
  • Back from the sea – couldn't have been a better day for it! Now trying to get my photos up on Flickr before seeing the 2nd Hobbit again. πŸ™‚ 17:49:06, 2013-12-14