Thought that it was high time that I fill you in on the latest developments in my travel plans…
There are not even two weeks left until my plane leaves for Boston and just this morning I put together an itinerary for the first three weeks. After that I'll meet up with Sibylle in NYC and we'll travel on Southwards together…
– Sept 4-8: Boston. The hostel is already reserved and I'm looking incredibly forward to seeing that supposedly so beautiful city!
– Sept 8-11: Provincetown, Cape Cod. Some nature is absolutely essential – even if it means having to buy an extra bus ticket because Greyhound doesn't go there…
– Sept 11-14: Montréal. Already wanted to go there the last time, now it finally works out! Looks as if I'll spend 9/11 on the bus – suits me just fine, truth be told!
– Sept 15-18: Pittsburgh, PA. Visiting Rhonda and Missy – that's even worth the 19 hours bus ride! 😉
– Sept 18-21: Washington, DC. An absolute must naturally – and if I get the chance to meet up with Mike and maybe Nik (who I haven't asked yet… *g*) I might just stay longer and skip the next thing on the list:
– Sept 21-23: Philadelphia. If it works out it's cool – if not I'll live… And it annoys me to no end that the hostel there does not accept credit cards – I don't want to send them a traveller's cheque by mail!
– Sept 23-Oct 1: New York City. Sibylle arrives on Sept 24 and we'll take a week to see the sights and enjoy the life of the 'Big Apple'…
After that we'll probably head to Cary, NC to visit Sibylle's former host family, then down South to see Deb (yay!) before heading to Florida to catch some sun before going back on Oct 14…
Those six weeks will be over way too fast, I already see that coming! *sniff*
But it's going to be a whole lot of fun and I can't wait! There's a ton of stuff I should do – 13 days left and counting… lol