New York

Still in the Big Apple – it's been an eventful stay so far… Sibylle arrived on Tuesday and we've been suffering in a VERY bad hostel, but try not to let it bring us down too much.

The first three days (with people I met in D.C. and at the first hostel here) were really busy and exciting – now we're taking it a bit easier. We're still here till Tuesday night and have some more things we definitely want to do, like going clubbing and to a Broadway show.

I love the people I've met so far – a trip to Australia seems to be looming in the not so distant future… *g*

Big hugs to everyone – miss you guys, be it family, RL or online friends…

New York

I've been in the Big Apple for two days now – and it's been very exciting and a lot of fun! Haven't had a minute by myself because I'm always hanging out and walking around with Willa and Adam I met in D.C. and with some other guys I met here. A completely different (and much more strenous *g*) kind of sightseeing – but I'm having a great time!

Sibylle is arriving tomorrow afternoon and I'll get her from JFK airport – hope that goes well! It'll also be Willa's last evening in the States, so we'll definitely have to go out and savour some of the famous nightlife here…

So far I've seen quite a lot of the sights here in Manhattan – I like NYC better than I expected. I also went to see the WTC site yesterday, something that touched me a lot more than I'd thought it would.

At the moment I'm in the second hostel, but I'll head back to the HI hostel as soon as I've finished writing this – we're going to the zoo and in the afternoon to the UN! Take care!

Washington, D.C.

Opportunities to go online are rare here in D.C. – but I finally found a library with 15 minutes free access, so I thought I'd update y'all…

I arrived on Wednesday, after a very short night (going to the club with Rhonda, Missy and their friend Shannon was a lot of fun!), and hooked up with two Australian guys that had been on the same bus. Adam, Luke and I went to all the sights together – we walked all over Washington until my feet hurt like hell…
Yesterday night we met a German guy, Christoph, and went to an Irish Pub, and today Luke, Christoph and I are doing some more sightseeing like the good little tourists we are… 😉

Adam went to NYC – and so will I tomorrow. I decided to skip Philadelphia and stay a couple of more days in New York before meeting my best friend Sibylle (can't wait, sweetie! And I still have Laeckerli, so don't worry about that…) on Tuesday.

Hopefully I'll also be able to really answer some email in New York – until then lots of hugs for all of you!

Still Pittsburgh

I quite enjoy myself here – specially the fact that this city is literally teeming with libraries… So I've been online every day, which turned out to be a really good thing, since there were exciting news from my friend Deb – she's given birth, not to the expected Sydney, but to a little Joey! That's such a surprise – and I'm still laughing about it.

I love being able to stay in touch that way (on that note – big hugs, Marrie, thanks for all the news!), the internet is a great invention, definitely!

Tonight we'll go dancing – looking forward to it, I'm sure it'll be a blast! Won't get much sleep, though, since my bus is leaving for DC tomorrow morning at 9.30…

Have I already mentioned that I won't be able to meet Nik? A pity, but can't be helped… And Mike is in Atlantic City, so I won't get to see him either. But don't worry, I'll keep myself busy! LOL

Pittsburgh, PA

Okay, after almost 24 hours of travelling I arrived in Pittsburgh and met up with my online friends Rhonda and Missy. Also yesterday I spent four hours in Albany, where I had dinner with another online friend, Christine.

The youth hostel doesn't open until five, so I'm feeling a bit icky, but it's nothing a shower can't fix… LOL
The weather is not so great, but we're keeping busy. *g*

Was great hearing from you, Jules – sorry that I didn't make it to Toronto… Maybe another time!

Cape Cod

Only got five minutes until the library of Provincetown closes, but I just wanted to letyou all know that I`ve left Boston. I really enjoyed the last two days there – me and one of my room mates from the hostel (Jenny from Ohio) paired up and went exploring together. Such a great town, a great mix of old town atmosphere and upbeat young people…

And Cape Cod seems really beautiful – I`m looking forward to spending some time walking the beaches… More later – I miss you all and thanks for all the email! I read it all, even if I don`t get around to answering.

And Deb – thinking of you, hope tomorrow`s the day… Big hugs, everyone!


Is such a great city! I enjoy every minute here, I love the contrast of old brick buildings and shiny office towers…

Met some nice people at the hostel – they might take me with them one night, which is cool!

Bostonians are generally very fashionable – and they love to jog! I spent some time yesterday at the Charles River (that`s probably my favorite place here, so beautiful!) and felt completely out of place… LOL

Today I`ll go to Cambridge to see Harvard and then walk around the city some more. Boston has the perfect size, it`s not too big and anonymous – and have I already mentioned that it`s beautiful?

Thanks for your emails – hope everyone is doing fine! I even managed to answer some this morning, but now I`m hungry and am out of one dollar bills anyway…

So take care, until the next time! Hugs…

Woohoo – made it to Boston!

No problems getting here – and it`s only 3pm, so I`ll check out the freedom trail now… The internet access is somewhat crappy, everything takes waay to long, so no writing email today. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who`s written to me – love you guys!

The flight was okay, I got to watch The Importance of Being Earnest (Marrie – your man… lol) and parts of About a Boy. My neighbour was not very chatty, but that was okay with me.

Still so excited – sorry for being so jumbled… Talk to you later!

Itinerary the second

Here's what Sibylle and I have planned for the second half of my trip… Unfortunately the visit with Deb won't work out – such a pity, but it can't be helped, she's got visitors coming already. *sniff*
Hopefully we'll manage to meet another time!

The first part of the itinerary is here – Sibylle and I meet up in NYC on September 24 and stay there for a week. That should give us plenty of time to explore some of the many many sights of that city and enjoy the nightlife…

On Oct 1 we'll head South to North Carolina (overnight on a bus – cool! Not. *g*), to Cary to be exact, which is right outside of Raleigh. This is where Sibylle spent an exchange semester some years ago and she's looking forward to meeting her host family and some of her teachers again.

Around Oct 5 we'll then head for Florida (instead of Alabama *sniff*), go see Gainesville (to check out the UF – I'd like to spend a semester there in 2004), then go someplace warm and sunny for some relaxation on the beach. Maybe Key West, or Tampa – it's not so easy to find somewhere beatiful that's reachable by Greyhound and has cheap accomodation.

The last few days we'll be in Miami at the beach and in the clubs, going to see the Everglades (a dream of mine) and maybe spend a day at the beach of Ft. Lauderdale.

And on Oct 13 our plane leaves – back home to prepare for a test only one week later…

This is probably my last entry done from home – stay tuned for news from Boston! (The day after tomorrow – can't believe it!)

Now I need to get busy – still got loads of stuff to do…

Trip update

Thought that it was high time that I fill you in on the latest developments in my travel plans…

There are not even two weeks left until my plane leaves for Boston and just this morning I put together an itinerary for the first three weeks. After that I'll meet up with Sibylle in NYC and we'll travel on Southwards together…

– Sept 4-8: Boston. The hostel is already reserved and I'm looking incredibly forward to seeing that supposedly so beautiful city!

– Sept 8-11: Provincetown, Cape Cod. Some nature is absolutely essential – even if it means having to buy an extra bus ticket because Greyhound doesn't go there…

– Sept 11-14: Montréal. Already wanted to go there the last time, now it finally works out! Looks as if I'll spend 9/11 on the bus – suits me just fine, truth be told!

– Sept 15-18: Pittsburgh, PA. Visiting Rhonda and Missy – that's even worth the 19 hours bus ride! 😉

– Sept 18-21: Washington, DC. An absolute must naturally – and if I get the chance to meet up with Mike and maybe Nik (who I haven't asked yet… *g*) I might just stay longer and skip the next thing on the list:

– Sept 21-23: Philadelphia. If it works out it's cool – if not I'll live… And it annoys me to no end that the hostel there does not accept credit cards – I don't want to send them a traveller's cheque by mail!

– Sept 23-Oct 1: New York City. Sibylle arrives on Sept 24 and we'll take a week to see the sights and enjoy the life of the 'Big Apple'…

After that we'll probably head to Cary, NC to visit Sibylle's former host family, then down South to see Deb (yay!) before heading to Florida to catch some sun before going back on Oct 14…
Those six weeks will be over way too fast, I already see that coming! *sniff*

But it's going to be a whole lot of fun and I can't wait! There's a ton of stuff I should do – 13 days left and counting… lol