Still Pittsburgh

I quite enjoy myself here – specially the fact that this city is literally teeming with libraries… So I've been online every day, which turned out to be a really good thing, since there were exciting news from my friend Deb – she's given birth, not to the expected Sydney, but to a little Joey! That's such a surprise – and I'm still laughing about it.

I love being able to stay in touch that way (on that note – big hugs, Marrie, thanks for all the news!), the internet is a great invention, definitely!

Tonight we'll go dancing – looking forward to it, I'm sure it'll be a blast! Won't get much sleep, though, since my bus is leaving for DC tomorrow morning at 9.30…

Have I already mentioned that I won't be able to meet Nik? A pity, but can't be helped… And Mike is in Atlantic City, so I won't get to see him either. But don't worry, I'll keep myself busy! LOL