Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

To all you moms, and especially my own Mami (the best of them all, in my opinion *g*) – you deserve all the credit! (The lavender I got this morning in church – it smells yummy!) Also, a big birthday shout-out to my best friend Sibylle! *hugs tightly* I hope you’re having a wonderful day – I miss you! Edit: I completely missed that it’s Pentecost weekend – they didn’t even mention it in church, which I find quite strange.

In other news: It’s been a nice weekend. On Friday I went to Meredith’s birthday dinner at a nice Korean restaurant (Seoul House) with some of her work friends, and on Saturday I met up with Celia and her hubby Charles for a late breakfast (almost a tradition by now) and then a guided tour through the New Zealand Parliament (including the very British looking parliament chambers, the “Beehive” administration building and the National Library). This afternoon I went to the library and got some material for the next assignment. Also, another lovely photo taken from my window at sunset on Tuesday, before it started raining (which it has been for the last several days, on and off).

Birthday girl New Zealand Parliament New Zealand Parliament New Zealand Parliament Sunset from my window

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It’s official

I’ve paid the first half of my plane ticket, so I now have a schedule for leaving New Zealand. Needless to say I’m not happy about it. 🙁

But here are the dates:
June 19: last exam
visit Denise, pack and ship all my stuff
June 28: Meredith moves into my room
travel the South Island, spend a couple of days saying goodbye to Wellington
July 25: Wellington – Melbourne
travel Melbourne – Adelaide – Alice Springs – Uluru – Perth
Sept 2: Perth – Singapore
break up the long flight by visiting Amy
Sept 5: Singapore – London – Zurich

I’ll arrive in Zurich on Sept 6 at noon. It’s a Saturday, so hopefully my whole family can come and pick me up.

Lazy weekend

So uni started again, but I’ve been mostly preoccupied with planning what comes after: A trip down to the South Island, then to Australia before flying home. Details will follow when I’ve bought the plane tickets.

Here winter seems to finally have arrived. I don’t mind, as so far it’s been cold but dry. At least this means I didn’t have my parents send me all those winter clothes in vain… 🙂 I also seem to keep buying new clothes, which I guess is kind of stupid, because I do have clothes, even if most of them are in boxes in my parents’ basement. Everything I’m wearing in this picture, for example, was bought here, except for the tights (thank you, Cindy!):

Look at my pretty clothes...

Anyway. Yesterday I met up with Celia again and we ended up going for a bit of a ramble in the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary, which was heaps of fun. Also, a chance to show off my pretty pink coat (for which I always get compliments *g*) to some cool birds:

Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Karori Wildlife Sanctuary

And last but not least: Happy birthday, Papi! I hope it’s a very good one, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow… *hugs*

Homegrown festival

On Friday, I met Janne once more before she left.

Oriental Bay

But the big thing was of course Vodafone Homegrown, a festival with over 30 kiwi bands playing on 5 stages over 11 hours. I went with Meredith and her friend Zoey and it couldn’t have been a better festival experience, starting with the awesome weather, the fun atmosphere and of course the great music.

Homegrown festival

These are the bands I saw at least partly, in chronological order: Salmonella Dub, Ladi6, Sunshine Sound System, Cornerstone Roots, Opshop, Elemeno P, The Phoenix Foundation, The Black Seeds, The Mint Chicks, Tiki. There were also buskers, breakdancers, a Brazilian drum group and awesome fire poi to admire.

Here’s some more photos, music and video from the day:

Continue reading “Homegrown festival”

Feels like summer…

I’m enjoying every day of sunshine we get, which luckily is quite a lot still, despite the season (we should be deep in autumn by now). Today my flatmate Rathy and I used the afternoon and took Rathy’s car up to the beautiful Kapiti Coast. We went for a walk along Raumati Beach and then enjoyed a late lunch in Paraparaumu. It’s school holidays here, so there were lots of kids all over the place. Overall it was just a perfect little excursion:

Kapiti Coast Kapiti Coast Kapiti Coast

In other news, apparently I still have no idea what lecturers here expect – my employment legislation essay, which I pretty much pulled out of my a** in desperation (seriously – I spent an hour complaining to my parents about it the night before it was due), ended up getting pretty good marks (22.8/30). Of course I’m glad, but it also confuses me a bit. Oh well, gift horses and their mouths, right? Btw, I have three more days to get my stuff together and write my assignment before uni starts again for me on Tuesday. Saturday doesn’t count, as I’m going to the sold-out Homegrown concert with Meredith – over 30 kiwi bands will be playing at the Wellington waterfront, I can’t wait!

That must be some kind of record

I got a postcard from my parents in the mail today which they sent off on my mother’s birthday – February 13. That means the card took over two months to get here, despite having air mail postage. Weird!

In other news, life is quiet. I got to catch up with some friends over the weekend and should now get to work on one of my uni assignment. However, as usual I am the queen of procrastination and keep getting side-tracked.

My tattoos are healing, which means that they’re itching like crazy (especially the one on my back) and scabbing a bit. So far I’ve managed not to scratch, but it’s difficult. It must be the position on the spine that makes the one on my back especially annoying, as I can feel it whenever I move. Still, we must suffer for beauty, right? 🙂

Edit: I set up an account with Tumblr as an addition of my personal domain. That way I can track my online activities in one place. Follow me!

Getting inked…

So I had my appointment today – and I ended up with not only my beautiful book fairy (drawn by my friend Sandi) but also with an enlargement of my first lower back tattoo. I thought I’d have to get another appointment for it, but Roger was so quick doing the little elf that I couldn’t resist the chance of getting it done in one go (plus I didn’t have to pay extra *g*). Just look at the pretty:

Getting inked Getting inked Getting inked

I’m also thinking of getting another (probably my last) one done before I leave, a Maori design to commemorate my love for this country and this amazing year that I’m having. It’ll have to be a kirituhi (“skin art”), because true moko are tapu (sacred) and only meant for Maori, and I definitely wouldn’t want to offend. I only want a piece of New Zealand to carry with me…

But enough of tattoo talk, which I know isn’t for all of you (yes, I’m looking at you, Mami and Papi *g*). Yesterday I met up with Rachel, who I know from church, and we had lunch and went for a walk on Oriental Parade. We just talked and talked and had a really amazing time.

Oriental Parade, Wellington Oriental Parade, Wellington

I’ve also been hanging out with Meredith and with my flatmates and some of Rathy’s friends, and Janne is back in town for a couple of weeks as well. The weather is pretty miserable, especially today (it’s been raining uninterruptedly all day), but with all the socialising I’ve been doing, I don’t really mind. I’m also not really getting any uni work done, but I still have time, so I’m not stressing about it just yet. 🙂

First day of my break

And it couldn’t go better, really! I went out to lunch with both flatmates and a couple of Rathy’s friends, to this place called ‘Strawberry Fare’. They specialise in desserts, so of course I had to try one after my pasta. Rathy and I shared the yummiest chocolate cake ever – it was really moist and came with raspberry and passionfruit sauce as well as icecream. Just… too delicious for words!

Afterwards I wandered along the waterfront before coming back home, enjoying the beautiful day and all the people. Tonight I might go out with Rathy and some of her friends, if I’m not too tired – right now I feel as if I could fall asleep in a heartbeat, from all that food and sunshine… 🙂

Wellington waterfront Wellington waterfront Wellington waterfront

Blessed freedom…

I still have uni this week, but no more deadlines until May 19, which is a load off my mind. I do have plans to do uni stuff over the break, but it does feel nice not to be under so much pressure. Anyway, just thought I’d share some recent photos.

First, my new hair without the benefits of a straightening iron:
Fun with Photobooth #8

Then, a couple of pics from when I last saw Kathrin before she left New Zealand – it was on St. Patrick’s Day, hence the decorations on Cuba St:
Cuba St, Wellington Cuba St, Wellington Cuba St, Wellington

And lastly, a photo taken Easter Saturday at the San Francisco Bathhouse, out dancing with my flatmate Jessica and Philip from CouchSurfing, who I showed around Wellington that day:

Cuba St, Wellington

Not much to tell

I’m a tiny bit stressed, as I don’t really like having one deadline after the other (essays, group work, bargaining workshop) – I get frazzled if I don’t have days in my calendar with nothing to do. But things will quiet down considerably after next Monday, so I’m just trying to make it through in one piece until then. However, this afternoon I went to the hairdresser instead of writing assignments (probably not the best planning on my part, but I’d been looking forward to it for weeks so I didn’t want to postpone), and tonight I’ll go out for dinner with both my flatmates, which is a first.

So, instead of news, have some pictures taken with my webcam. Among other things I’m enjoying here is the freedom to experiment a bit in an environment where no one cares – which has led to some new clothes and (just this afternoon) new hair:

Fun with Photobooth #5

Fun with Photobooth #7 Fun with Photobooth #6

Obviously it’ll look quite different with my natural wave, so expect some photos of that in a couple of days. 🙂