Music: A Year in New Zealand

Spending the week saying goodbye is not fun, so I decided to cheer myself up by making a playlist to commemorate my time here. It’s a mix of kiwi artists (*), songs I listened to while here and/or that I found appropriate. Enjoy! 🙂

A Year in New Zealand

1. Elemeno P* – Baby Come On:
2. Discovery Channel – Boom de Yada:
3. Howard Shore – The Shire (Lord of the Rings):
4. Bic Runga* – Precious Things:
5. Opshop* – One Day:
6. XTC – Stupidly Happy:
7. Rhombus* – Scorching Bay:
8. Koop – Come to Me:
9. Bright Eyes – First Day of My Life:
10. Empires – Anywhere:
11. Fire Flies – Welcome to Our Neck of the Woods:
12. Anika Moa* – Good In My Head:
13. Jason Mraz – Live High:
14. The Hush Sound – Medicine Man:
15. Panic at the Disco – Northern Downpour:
16. Oh No! Oh My! – Walk in the Park:
17. Fall Out Boy – Saturday:
18. Bon Jovi – Lost Highway:
19. Cracker – Been Around the World:
20. Patrick Stump – Tom Traubert’s Blues (Tom Waits cover):
21. Regina Spektor – The Call (Narnia – Prince Caspian):

Bonus: Anika Moa* – Kotahitanga (“Oneness”):

Later today I’ll be posting some photos from this week’s series of goodbyes… My last day in Wellington, how strange is that?!

Back in Wellington

The last few days on the South Island were absolutely lovely. The daytrip to Abel Tasman National Park was great – first a boattrip to Torrent Bay, then walking back along the Abel Tasman trail for about 4-5 hours. I ended up in a group of four for most of it, with Janneke from Holland, Daria from Germany and Bruno from Brazil. Janneke was at the YHA with me, so after a day of the great (and beautiful) outdoors, we ended up in the sauna at the hostel. 🙂

In the morning I left for Picton, which turned out to be a short but eventful busride, as we had to stop several times for a passenger with diarrhoe. I wasn’t feeling too great either, because I had really bad cramps. Thanks to painkillers they were mostly gone by the time we reached Picton and I decided to see Bruno again before he left on the ferry to Wellington that day. After that I went for a nice little walk along the coast in the Victoria Domain. The evening I spent reading in the dorm room that I had to myself – during the 3 weeks of travel I think I read 16 books in total, thanks to bookswap shelves in all the hostels!

The ferry trip back to Wellington today was nice, the weather couldn’t be better and, while I couldn’t read once we were out on the open sea, I was able to sit on the sundeck and didn’t get seasick at all. We even saw two schools of dolphins in Malborough Sounds! And in Wellington Supryia and Rathy picked me up and I’ve been chilling at my old place of residence with Rathy, Jessica and Meredith. It is good to be back, but also rather strange because I’m no longer living here, just staying for a visit… Anyway, got lots of plans for the next week, obviously, meeting people and seeing places one more time. But first, here’s the last photos I took on the South Island, as always to be found in full on Flickr:

Abel Tasman Abel Tasman Abel Tasman Abel Tasman Picton Picton

West coast photos / Nelson, part 1

Managed to get the pictures from Franz Josef (only two, because of the abysmal weather) and Punakaiki (a lot, including two short films, because of the stunning coast) as well as some from the bus trips (Queenstown – Franz Josef – Punakaiki – Nelson) and the pictures I took today. As always all photos can be found on Flickr. (But boy, the internet is quite slow here and I only had an hour’s internet time, so apologies for the unfinishedness of the titles/comments/tags.)

Franz Josef Punakaiki Punakaiki Punakaiki Punakaiki - Nelson Nelson
Mainly I hung around town today (Starbucks! I hadn’t had my mint hot chocolate in over a week – and they promptly raised the prices… *g*), walked along the river and went to see ‘Mamma Mia’ in the cinema. Tomorrow I’ll go to Abel Tasman National Park, which should be good for more photos. 🙂

West coast (Franz Josef & Punakaiki)

I’ve arrived in Nelson tonight, where the YHA is lovely and where I plan to spend the next couple of days. Unfortunately the card reader on the computer isn’t working, however, so photos from the past few days will have to wait.

I had a good time in Franz Josef, although sadly the weather was really awful (warmer than on the east side of the mountains, but very wet – it even hailed one morning!). So instead of going up the glacier I just hung out with my friend Kevin. On Saturday evening we met up with Miriam and Charlotte and went to see the rugby (NZ vs. South Africa, which was fun although the All Blacks lost) and then took in a bit of the Franz Josef nightlife. All I’m saying is “pole dance competition”… *g*

Yesterday I took the bus to Punakaiki. I’d seen the famous pancake rocks there twice before, as the bus to Nelson always stops there, but this time, following Anna’s recommendation, I stayed one night at the YHA there. It was totally worth it, although without a car you’re pretty much stuck at the hostel. But I didn’t mind that in the least, because I was in a separate bungalow with five very nice backpackers from Ireland, Canada and South Africe, and the hostel is situated in the middle of the rain forest, only a short walk from a breathtaking beach. I can’t wait to share the dozens of photos I took there… The west coast of the South Island is truly one of the most spectacular places in the whole country!

Okay, enough for today, hopefully the next update will be with pictures… I don’t even want to think about the fact that in less than two weeks I’ll be in Australia!


I spent the last three days here in Queenstown, which is pretty much New Zealand’s tourist capital. It feels almost like one of the Swiss resort towns, including the beautiful scenery – and the prices… I spent the first day wandering around the town and taking a gondola ride. Yesterday I went skiing in nearby Cadrona, big for kiwi standards but tiny for Europeans. Still, the weather was gorgeous and the snow good. Today I went on a Lord of the Rings location tour to Glenorchy at the end of Lake Waikatipu, which was very lovely as well. You can’t go much more beautiful than here, really…

I’ve also been quite the social butterfly, meeting up with people I’d met in Te Anau (Misato from the hostel and Charlotte and Miriam from the Doubtful Sound tour) as well as hanging out with people met here at the YHA (American sisters Ziba and Vija from my dorm room and Aussie Dave from the Cardrona tour).

Queenstown Queenstown Queenstown Queenstown

As always, you can find more photos here on Flickr.

What I haven’t managed in 10 days of traveling yet is calling my parents. The next few days I’ll be in Franz Josef, staying with my friend Kevin, who’s a glacier guide there, then I’m heading further up the west coast, one of my favorite parts of New Zealand. We’ll see how the internet situation will be…

Te Anau, part 2

On Friday evening, after seeing a short scenic movie about Fiordland, I went to see the Glowworm Caves on the other side of Lake Te Anau. The caves were quite impressive, masses of water rushing through them, and the glowworms pretty – as long as you don’t look at them too closely, that is. 🙂 I’ve seen more glowworms in the Waitomo Caves in the North Island, but it was a very nice way to spend the evening.

The best bit, though, was that it started snowing just as we got back – and in the morning everything was white and lovely. It was the perfect day for the trip to Doubtful Sound, which turned out to be incredibly gorgeous! First a boat ride across Lake Manapouri, then an excursion down the powerstation there, before we rode a bus through the mountains and snowy forests to Doubtful. The cruise couldn’t have been any better – we even saw a school of dolphins at play. Simply an amazing day, and I ended it by watching a couple of movies in our dorm room with two German girls.

Doubtful Sound Doubtful Sound Doubtful Sound Doubtful Sound

As the photo album here on the site doesn’t seem to work, you can see the rest of the pictures here on Flickr.

Today I’m taking it easy here in Te Anau – my bus to Queenstown only leaves at 5pm.

Te Anau

I’m here in Te Anau at the border of Fjordland for four nights, which is very nice, especially because the dorm room at the hostel is like a separate bungalow with its own kitchen, bathroom and even a TV. Yesterday I went to see the famous Milford Sound, which was very impressive, despite the wet weather. We saw snow on the way there, which was awesome, and I took a ton of photos, of course. 🙂

Today is a bit quieter, which suits me well because I caught a cold in Dunedin and am sniffling and coughing. I went for a walk along Lake Te Anau (the second biggest lake in New Zealand) and am now catching up on photo uploads. After that I’ll head out to see a scenic movie at the local cinema and then take a tour to a Glowworm Cave on the other side of the lake. Tomorrow I’m going to Doubtful Sound, which is supposed to be even more stunning then Milford. We’ll see, I guess… *g*

Btw, exam results are back, and I passed all three papers, with B, B+ and A+. That means I should get an email about graduation from Victoria any day now…

Dunedin Dunedin Te Anau - Milford Sound Milford Sound Milford Sound Te Anau

A whole lot more here, including a few little movies.


No photos from here at the moment, because the computer did not recognize my photo card for some reason, but I completely fell in love with Dunedin. Not surprising, perhaps, because it has a definite Scottish feel to it (“Dunedin” is the Gaelic word for “Edinburgh”).

I walked around quite a bit, up and down hills, saw the oldest university of New Zealand, Otago, and a very nice mansion from the early 20th century. Seriously, if I can’t live in Wellington, Dunedin is my second choice!

Yesterday afternoon I also went on a wildlife safari out to the Otago Peninsula. We saw albatross babies, sea lions, fur seals and yellow penguins from quite up close – especially the sea lions were only a few metres from us on the beach. It was amazing – but wow, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such strong wind before, we were literally blown about!

Today I’m leaving Dunedin for Te Anau – hopefully I can upload my photos there. Cheers, darlings! 🙂


Here down South it’s definitely colder than in Wellington – more like proper winter, with temperatures here in Christchurch around 5 degrees. That wouldn’t be bad, but in addition it’s very wet – especially yesterday it felt a bit like the end of the world, it was raining so hard. *shivers*

I ended up going to the beach in New Brighton anyway and got thoroughly soaked. To make up for this, I spent the evening watching a kiwi movie, ‘Second-Hand Wedding’ which was cute and funny. Today my tour to the Lord of the Rings location of Edoras was cancelled, but the weather was a bit better (still cold, though) and I took the Gondola up the mountain in the afternoon, after spending the morning at the Canterbury museum. That was quite interesting, with Antarctica and Leonardo da Vinci exhibits.

I also managed to upload the photos I took so far:

Leaving Wellington Christchurch Christchurch

The rest can be found in my New Zealand album, as usual. Tomorrow I’m off to Dunedin – will catch up with you again there!

Last night

The evening out with Rathy, Michelle and Jessica was lovely. First yummy Thai food, then incredible dessert at Strawberry Fare (seriously, I almost melted at the first bite of the warm raspberry-drenched chocolate cake) and finally a drink at Jet bar. Have I mentioned that I don’t want to leave? But tomorrow I have to be at the airport by 8am – Rathy’s driving me, the darling girl!

Last night Last night Last night

Next update will indeed be from Christchurch, I just wanted to share the photos. 🙂