Washington, D.C.

Opportunities to go online are rare here in D.C. – but I finally found a library with 15 minutes free access, so I thought I'd update y'all…

I arrived on Wednesday, after a very short night (going to the club with Rhonda, Missy and their friend Shannon was a lot of fun!), and hooked up with two Australian guys that had been on the same bus. Adam, Luke and I went to all the sights together – we walked all over Washington until my feet hurt like hell…
Yesterday night we met a German guy, Christoph, and went to an Irish Pub, and today Luke, Christoph and I are doing some more sightseeing like the good little tourists we are… 😉

Adam went to NYC – and so will I tomorrow. I decided to skip Philadelphia and stay a couple of more days in New York before meeting my best friend Sibylle (can't wait, sweetie! And I still have Laeckerli, so don't worry about that…) on Tuesday.

Hopefully I'll also be able to really answer some email in New York – until then lots of hugs for all of you!