Tweets from 2013-12-12

  • Wellington 02:55:25, 2013-12-12
  • Can it be next December soon? Hobbit cliffhanger, ugh (but yay *g*). Btw, no worries about walking home – it's graduation week = party time! 03:10:27, 2013-12-12
  • Not asleep but on the phone with my Swiss medical hotline (ouch, phone bill), because the chest pains are back. Chiropractor, here I come… 05:53:21, 2013-12-12
  • Aww, no Vic Graduation parade due to uncertain weather. 🙁 Lots of well-dressed people as well as grads ambling about, though. 13:09:37, 2013-12-12
  • Travel blog – Wellington:


    Originally uploaded by Evamaria N

    Day 11: Cheekiness wi… 13:34:52, 2013-12-12

  • Yay for chiropractor – feeling better & if I'm still in pain, she'll sneak me in again before I leave Wellington. Now nap time, I think. 🙂 15:44:33, 2013-12-12
  • Really nice to hang out with Rathy & friends @ Mac's. Early night for me, though, hopefully pain-free. *crosses fingers* 20:40:14, 2013-12-12