Left Darwin yesterday, spent 26 hours on the bus to Broome – the bus ride was better than I’d feared, as I had two seats to myself and it was quite warm. Wireless here at the youth hostel doesn’t seem to work, but they have ethernet access, so I was finally able to catch up on the photo uploading.
There are a couple of from the train, where I met Arin from Taiwan and Tina from Germany, quite a number from the daytrip to Litchfield National Park Tina and I did (where we met Vanessa, also from Germany) and of course some from Darwin, which I enjoyed a lot – sunshine, beaches (no swimming, though), stunning sunsets and meeting some old friends again: Gill, Chris and April from the Uluru tour and Mike and Lauren from Melbourne-Adelaide.
And a small movie from the Sunset Market, where we enjoyed two sets by the didgeridoo & drums combo eMDee:
As always, all photos can be found here on Flickr. I’m going to miss bumping into people I know now that I’m on the west coast! However, it seems very busy here, all hostels booked out. But because the tourism industry here is much smaller tours etc. are much more expensive and I don’t think I can afford any more daytrips. Luckily there’s a beach only a busride away from the hostel, so I’m sure I won’t be bored – if I can find a book exchange, that is, as I’m almost out of reading material! 🙂