This was by far the most horrible day on this trip. Because of crappy public transport links I didn't get to see either one of my two Ainu villages – instead I sat around train stations waiting and experienced the gulf of the language barrier until all I wanted to do was scream. Instead I cried for a while. I also read (finishing yet another book), listened to Swiss music (maybe not the smartest move) and 'The Hobbit' on audio book and sat around in the sun. I also composed long journal entries in which I described this endless waste of a day in detail, but now that I'm back in Sapporo (my last night before going to the wilderness of the mountains, so I might not get in touch again before arriving in Tokyo next week) I think I'll go buy some more books instead. That always cheers me up. 🙂
Oh, and all this sitting around was definitely good for my foot – I'm barely limping anymore…