Okay, this is not really majorly important – but I feel like babbling and no one is online so that I have to babble here… *g*
Anyway, added Cape Cod to my inner itinerary – gotta have some nature between all those cities! And it's supposed to be really beautiful – only problem is that a lot of places seem to close in September. There's this city, Princetown (or something like that) – I don't *really* want to stay there, but I will if necessary. Might have a good time there – although most bars are supposed to be gay, so no men for me… lol
Perhaps I'll do a day trip to Martha's Vineyard, supposedly one of the most beautiful spots of New England – and I'll certainly hike along the coast at least a couple of hours, the way I did in Banff, just following my nose and seeing where it gets me.
Okay, now I'm off daydreaming about sitting in the dunes, reading a book and listening to the ocean… Have I told you already how much I love the sea? *dreamy smile*