- Walked part of my old way to uni (incl. Sbux *g*), now taking the cable car up to the Botanical Gardens. Gotta make the most of this sun! 10:20:13, 2013-12-03
- Had such a good day: walked all over the place, revisited some former haunts & did some shopping. Sadly seem to have lost a ring, though. 🙁 15:45:42, 2013-12-03
Tweets from 2013-12-02
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Placebo (1), Snow Patrol (1) & Fall Out Boy (1) #music http://t.co/Hlu0WPFnrd 05:59:46, 2013-12-02
- Whee, officially arrived in Wellington! Unpacked, showered (accomodation basic but ok) & now ready to head out. Can't believe I'm here! #fb 17:04:12, 2013-12-02
- Just boarded the bus to Wellington – can't believe the first week is already over. A million thanks to Denise, Ross & the kids, love you! <3 17:07:57, 2013-12-02
- Wellington http://t.co/Er8UEOV6Ub 17:59:50, 2013-12-02
Tweets from 2013-12-01
- Four hyper kids on a Sunday – I don't know how the parents survive… Lovely game of Trivial Pursuit ended with banishment outside. Oof! 🙂 14:02:06, 2013-12-01
Tweets from 2013-11-30
- Taranaki: Visiting my oldest kiwi friends Denise & Ross and their kids… http://t.co/rh5FpPbn5m 10:36:33, 2013-11-30
- Taranaki http://t.co/AyVru5Di9A 22:07:37, 2013-11-30
Tweets from 2013-11-29
Tweets from 2013-11-28
- Finally saw "The Day of the Doctor" this rainy afternoon, whee! Here's a review that I pretty much agree with 100%: http://t.co/f2cqUxAM9p 05:50:41, 2013-11-28
- And how awesome is the mini-prequel The Night of the Doctor? http://t.co/cKp0CFIlld Made my fangirl heart happy… *g* #doctorwho 06:17:45, 2013-11-28
Tweets from 2013-11-25
- Pretty good night, slept almost 5 hrs. Now killing time until the bus to New Plymouth. Already bought a NZ sim & Hobbit stamps. All set! 🙂 00:00:27, 2013-11-25
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Agatha Christie (8), BBC Radio 4 (6) & Linkin Park (1) #music http://t.co/Hlu0WPFnrd 10:09:20, 2013-11-25
- Amazing welcome from my friends in New Plymouth – feel right at home, even if all the kids are so grown-up now! 11:30:26, 2013-11-25
- Photos & admin: It's 7am – I managed to sleep until about 5:30, which isn't too bad, I guess, cons… http://t.co/GXV4HCcUE8 20:16:57, 2013-11-25
Photos & admin
It’s 7am – I managed to sleep until about 5:30, which isn’t too bad, I guess, considering the 12 hour time difference.
As always I’ll be posting my pics to Flickr, to a special set for this trip: New Zealand 2013
Right now no actual photos from NZ, because I spent most of yesterday on the bus where motion sickness makes me wary of snapping pics (not that the landscape wouldn’t have warranted it – the journey from Auckland to New Plymouth has lots of turns and bends, but is also rather stunning). This is the only one so far, taken after I finally arrived at the airport hotel:
I’ll be spending the week with my friends Denise, Ross & their four kids near New Plymouth, so I have lovely wireless access. This gave me the opportunity to find a new Twitter plugin, so we’re rid of those annoying single line posts and should get a daily digest of all my tweets instead.
I promise the next post will actually be an update about the trip! 🙂
Tweets from 2013-11-24
- Short stop in Singapore to change planes. I love Changi airport, but it's slightly surreal with its fake trees & birdsong… 12:47:59, 2013-11-24
- Kia ora, Aotearoa, I made it! Am in the airport hotel, freshly showered – bliss. 1:30am & jetlagged, will try to unwind w/ a ginger beer. 🙂 14:29:33, 2013-11-24
Tweeting: At the airport,
At the airport, just said goodbye to my mom. Now on my way to the gate. Guess who managed to bang up her knee (again) last night?