Hello, Bay of Islands…

After a long day on the train yesterday (I definitely prefer trains to buses, it’s much more relaxing and I finished two books), I arrived in Paihia on the Bay of Islands this afternoon. Unfortunately it was pouring with rain and the famous islands were hidden in grey mist. Not how I imagined my ‘beach vacation’…

Well, in an attempt to make the best of the situation, me and Charlotte, an English girl who was in my dorm room in Auckland last night, decided to walk to the famous site of the Treaty of Waitangi. This is only about half an hour’s walk away, but after ten minutes or so we were soaked through. Things got only more miserable from that point on, but finally we arrived at Waitangi. That was when the weather started to lighten a bit, so we could actually start to enjoy the Treaty House, the beautiful Maori meeting house, the impressive Maori war boat and the pretty park the site is set in.

By the time we got back to the hostel, we were almost dry again. However, the weather forecast isn’t all that good for the weekend – and tomorrow I’ve got a dolphin cruise booked, so I’m a bit worried about winds and fog. But since there’s really nothing I can do, I’ll try not to get worked up before the fact. So cross your fingers for me, okay? 🙂

Settling into the new place

I really like living here. My two flatmates, Lyannie (who’s moving out at the end of the month) and Jessica, are both very nice, and we’re settling into a comfortable rhythm. I have almost as much freedom as when I was living by myself, but with more space, a tv, no paying for laundry and the possibility to make conversation. 🙂

Other than this I finished my Management paper on Organisational Behaviour today, taking a two-hour exam. Not sure how well I did, but hopefully well enough to pass. In between bouts of studying, I went to a fun free concert of local band Rhombus at the waterfront on Thursday, with a new friend I made when booking my Bay of Islands/Coromandel trip at the local YHA. And on Saturday Silva had a nice goodbye party at her place – with the semester over, both her and Kathrin are going back to Germany after a bit of traveling.

I have a couple of nice pictures, including some more views from my window – I get the feeling I’ll be taking lots of photos of the beautiful sky over the bay in the next few months. But because I’m currently on dial-up internet, I’ll wait to upload them. Hopefully I’ll be on Wireless by tomorrow, as I’m leaving on the train to Auckland early on Wednesday morning. I’m really excited about my trip – Kathrin showed me photos from her and Silva’s trip to the north, and it’s gorgeous up there!

Look at my new home!

Yesterday me and Dan moved all my stuff from the residence hall to the flat. Afterwards I dove right in, unpacked and bought a couple of things I needed. I’m more or less all set up now, including some color on the walls (as it’s pretty much all grey-in-grey). That’s the good thing about carrying all my stuff with me – this room already feels like home…

Moving day

Click here for more!

Disturbing news

There was an emergency house meeting just now, because apparently a guy who lived here committed suicide this morning. I don’t think I ever met him, but it is a very disturbing thought that someone ended his life here in my building.

They offer counseling, and RAs (Residential Advisors) will be around, plus a priest will come tomorrow morning and bless/cleanse the place where it happened (a janitor’s bathroom, so not a place most residents ever see). I don’t think I’ll need it, but it does affect me quite a bit. I think it will make it easier to move out.

[tags]bad news, accomodation, suicide, grief[/tags]

Busy week

This week’s been quite exciting – not only did I have a test on Thursday and am currently writing a 1500 word assignment for tomorrow, but I also had to decide where to move to. The flat I viewed Wednesday evening turned out to be really nice, as was the girl who showed it to me, so suddenly I had two really good options. Admittedly, I was a bit scared to go flatting with two strangers instead of living on my own, but in the end (after a couple of emergency hand-holding phone calls with the parents) I decided to give it a go.

The flat is a bit farther away than I am now, but not much, so I can still walk everywhere. Not only will it be cheaper than getting my own studio, but it’ll also be another new experience for me, as in the past I’ve only lived with my family and with a close friend. I’ll be signing the contract tomorrow evening, so wish me luck! 🙂

In other news, this morning I went to the Christian Revival Church that the guys I met in Wanaka invited me to. I liked it and think I’ll try to go there more often. People there seem very friendly and I’ve exchange mobile numbers with a girl I might have coffee with sometime. But now I should really get offline again – the assignment is only about halfway done…

[tags]accomodation, moving, church, uni[/tags]

Photos from this weekend

On Saturday we went up the coast to Tongapurutu (or something like that) – amid absolutely breathtaking scenery the six of us enjoyed a wonderful day! You can also find a couple of photos from last week, when I had to say goodbye to Masumi, who injured her knee and went back home to Japan a bit earlier than planned.

Weekend in New Plymouth Weekend in New Plymouth Weekend in New Plymouth

> More in my Flickr album.

[tags]taranaki, friends[/tags]

Not half bad…

After a wonderful weekend (photographic evidence will follow), today started less than wonderful, with humid heat and cramps (the joys of being a woman…) to accompany a long lecture and tutorial. However, I did get my grades for the Human Resources paper I took before Christmas – a very satisfactory A-. Now, if only I can manage a semi-decent effort for the test I have coming up the day after tomorrow in Organisational Behaviour…

But anyway, after uni was finally over, I went to view a flat right in the city centre, on the famous Cuba St (where there are loads of bars, tattoo shops and cafés). Then I went home to a nice hot water bottle, before heading out to check out a listing I’d seen this morning on TradeMe (the NZ version of eBay, where you can find anything from the usual auctions over cars to flats and houses). This turned out a very good find: a studio with all the amenities I have now, in a building above the shopping/business district, with several floors assigned specifically to students. Rent for students is about the same as I would pay if I stayed where I am now – and I’d even be a bit closer to campus!

They apparently still have lots of vacancies, so I’m taking the luxury of checking out another flat tomorrow evening, which would be shared but cheaper, before giving them my application. I’ll also wait to cancel Loafer’s Lodge until Thursday or Friday, I think. I did quite like it there, but the price was just a bit high for the location and the shared facilities.

So yes, unless I hear from the university accomodation services tomorrow that I can stay where I’m now, I’m pretty sure I’m moving the first weekend of February. I’ve even got a car organised – Dan, one of the guys I met in Wanaka, has generously offered his services as a chauffeur. Life is good! 🙂

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Off to Taranaki

I’ll be spending the weekend with Denise and her family in New Plymouth. Looking very much forward to that, although I’ll also have to at least try and get some studying done – I have a test and an essay coming up next week. Still, I really wanted to use the chance to go up there again and this is the last of my four-day weekends this semester that I’m free.

Wishing everyone a good weekend!

[tags]taranaki, friends, uni[/tags]

So it’s the weekend

In my case this mostly means that I should be doing homework for class. However, so far I haven’t even cracked open the book. 🙂 Instead, this morning I met up with Denise and some of her family at Te Papa, the beautiful museum at the waterfront. I’m planning to go up to New Plymouth next weekend – I should still be able to get some studying done, and I don’t know when the next opportunity will present itself.

What else has been going on? Yesterday, I’ve filled out an application at Loafer’s Lodge. I’m not completely happy, as it’s the same price as I am paying now, but farther from the centre (and uni – it’d mean bye bye easy walking distance), smaller and with shared kitchen/bathrooms. Still, it’s brand new, the manager is really nice and I like the atmosphere. Plus, there are so few furnished options around, it’s a clear case of beggars can’t be choosers.

I’ve also been hanging out with some friends, most notably Tony from down the hall, who is on a plane to Australia as I type, so we made the most of our short acquaintance. Have I mentioned that I love the waterfront? Because I use every opportunity to go there. 🙂

Wellington waterfront Wellington waterfront Wellington waterfront Wellington waterfront

[tags]wellington, friends, moving, accomodation[/tags]