- Pretty good night, slept almost 5 hrs. Now killing time until the bus to New Plymouth. Already bought a NZ sim & Hobbit stamps. All set! 🙂 00:00:27, 2013-11-25
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Agatha Christie (8), BBC Radio 4 (6) & Linkin Park (1) #music http://t.co/Hlu0WPFnrd 10:09:20, 2013-11-25
- Amazing welcome from my friends in New Plymouth – feel right at home, even if all the kids are so grown-up now! 11:30:26, 2013-11-25
- Photos & admin: It's 7am – I managed to sleep until about 5:30, which isn't too bad, I guess, cons… http://t.co/GXV4HCcUE8 20:16:57, 2013-11-25