Finally – Japan!

Today I left Denise (), who had the doubtful pleasure of giving me my first introduction to Japan.

I was definitely grateful to have her around, because I had already gotten the first taste of the vast language gap that exists between Japanese and non-Japanese on the train ride from Osaka airport to Kurosaki, where Denise picked me up. It's really astonishing, how difficult even the simplest conversation becomes!

Other than that I'm having a great time – Japan is definitely different from anything I've ever experienced, not only from Europe but also from Singapore. Some things will take a while to get used to (like not being able to read the maps and street signs and the ever-present noise level), others I took to like a duck to the water. For example I've already been to several onsen (traditional hot spring baths) with Denise, which was absolutely fantastic for a spa-fan like me. 🙂

Now I'm in Kumamoto with Sabine () and am looking very much forward to learning and discovering more about this country!