I managed to hand in the last three assignments that were due last week and even got one back already, with a surprisingly excellent result. This means that I can now breathe a bit easier until the exams on June 9, 11 and 19. Of course that means studying and revising, but I can take a couple of days to relax.
The weather has changed, it’s more the way I imagined winter here to be, cool and wet. But I don’t really mind, as it’s not truly miserable and I get to wear pretty winter clothes, something I enjoy. 🙂
Last weekend I’d expected a friend from the South Island to visit, but he ended up having to go back, so I had a free weekend. On Saturday I ended up going to the Food Show with Emma and some friends of hers – it was fun tasting all sorts of different foods and drinks. On Sunday I met up with Celia and Charles on Matiu/Somes Island, a nature reserve in Wellington harbour. It was the perfect day for an excursion, with clouds disappearing in favour of lovely sunshine that made all three of us very glad to be there.
The week itself was spent finishing my assignments and looking after flatmate Jessica, who’s been suffering a horrible migraine for almost two weeks now. Luckily she seems better now, after I drove her to the uni clinic on Thursday in Rathy’s car and she got codein prescribed. Yesterday evening I finally managed to go the my church’s 20s cell group, which was good, and today I went to brunch at the famous Fidels with Rathy, Michelle and Celia. I have some things I should do this weekend, like put my bed up for sale on TradeMe (the kiwi version of Ebay), but mostly I’m just determined to make the most of my remaining time here. Several excursions and trips are planned on the upcoming weekends with a number of friends and I’m looking very much forward to every single day I’m here. With the exception of the exam dates, obviously. 🙂