Feels like summer…

I’m enjoying every day of sunshine we get, which luckily is quite a lot still, despite the season (we should be deep in autumn by now). Today my flatmate Rathy and I used the afternoon and took Rathy’s car up to the beautiful Kapiti Coast. We went for a walk along Raumati Beach and then enjoyed a late lunch in Paraparaumu. It’s school holidays here, so there were lots of kids all over the place. Overall it was just a perfect little excursion:

Kapiti Coast Kapiti Coast Kapiti Coast

In other news, apparently I still have no idea what lecturers here expect – my employment legislation essay, which I pretty much pulled out of my a** in desperation (seriously – I spent an hour complaining to my parents about it the night before it was due), ended up getting pretty good marks (22.8/30). Of course I’m glad, but it also confuses me a bit. Oh well, gift horses and their mouths, right? Btw, I have three more days to get my stuff together and write my assignment before uni starts again for me on Tuesday. Saturday doesn’t count, as I’m going to the sold-out Homegrown concert with Meredith – over 30 kiwi bands will be playing at the Wellington waterfront, I can’t wait!