I got a postcard from my parents in the mail today which they sent off on my mother’s birthday – February 13. That means the card took over two months to get here, despite having air mail postage. Weird!
In other news, life is quiet. I got to catch up with some friends over the weekend and should now get to work on one of my uni assignment. However, as usual I am the queen of procrastination and keep getting side-tracked.
My tattoos are healing, which means that they’re itching like crazy (especially the one on my back) and scabbing a bit. So far I’ve managed not to scratch, but it’s difficult. It must be the position on the spine that makes the one on my back especially annoying, as I can feel it whenever I move. Still, we must suffer for beauty, right? 🙂
Edit: I set up an account with Tumblr as an addition of my personal domain. That way I can track my online activities in one place. Follow me!