Birthday party

We had lots of fun last night at the Southern Cross. Silva and Masumi couldn’t come, but Kathrin, Tony and Emma were there, plus Emma’s boyfriend (whose Icelandic name I really have no idea how to spell).

We had dinner, ate the yummy cake and then sat out in the beautiful courtyard just talking. I also got some lovely pressies, which was a lovely surprise. However, because this is Wellington, it got quite windy and chilly after a while, so we moved back inside, hoping that there’d be dancing. However, although there was a DJ, things were still rather quiet and we were all too tired to find a different club, so I got home around 1am. Emma promised to take me out dancing with her sister some other time, so I’m definitely looking forward to that.

My birthday 2008 My birthday 2008 My birthday 2008

All in all a lovely way to start this year – different from my normal celebrations with family and friends back home, but definitely promising!

[tags]birthday, friends, wellington[/tags]