Last day of the year…

…and wow, 2007 sure is ending on a high note here in Wanaka! First I went dancing with a couple of guys from the backpackers last night (I went home before they did, but I had such a blast!), then I went skydiving – my second time after Airlie Beach in Australia four years ago, and once again it was an incredible rush!

I just love being so high up, in a tiny little plane where you can see the gorgeous panorama in all its glory, and then hurtling downwards for a short while, secure in the knowledge that a professional has your back (literally, as my tandem master Chris was awesome), until the ‘chute opens and you glide gently towards the ground… This experience will have me smiling for the rest of the day at least!

In the afternoon I went to check out Puzzling World, a giant timber maze and illusion museum. I got hopelessly lost in the labyrinth and finally gave up in disgust – my sense of orientation didn’t do me any good as I kept turning in circles… 🙂

After I’m done here in the internet cafe (the backpackers doesn’t have a computer, unusually enough), I think I’ll head down to the lake for a bit, maybe get an icecream, as the weather is very hot. It stays light forever here – I think the sun went down around 9.30pm last night… Tonight, for New Year’s Eve (a huge party in Wanaka, thanks to which there are hundreds if not thousands of young people from all over New Zealand and the world here), I’ll go to the Cinema Paradiso to see ‘The Golden Compass’ (the cinema is famous for its atmosphere and yummy homemade snacks), and afterwards I’m planning to meet up for New Year’s drinks with some guys from the hostel, maybe have a look at the fireworks and music at the lake.

It’s sure looking to be a good end of the year for me – I hope it does for you, too!