- Just came back from my visit to the Shire – it was glorious, just too short… Uploading photos now. 🙂 http://t.co/Amw8GXkil8 #hobbiton 13:28:18, 2013-12-20
- Just wrote all the postcards I promised from Hobbiton – they'll be late for Christmas but they're from HOBBITON! *g* 15:28:47, 2013-12-20
- Amusing thing I heard? Apparently @DomsWildThings & @OfficialBeecake came here the day after I met them in Welly… NZ is *such* a village! 17:07:04, 2013-12-20
- Apparently they even served drinks at the Green Dragon… Yes, the locals are gossips, they love sharing these tidbits. 🙂 17:09:39, 2013-12-20
- It feels like proper summer here – lovely! Just enjoyed a smoothie & ambled around town. 17:17:13, 2013-12-20
- Travel blog – Hobbiton!: It's been an amazing day – truly a worthy end to my trip… http://t.co/jgxsEBAEBc 20:32:24, 2013-12-20
- Have I mentioned that the inn I'm staying at is above a pub? A nice pub – but they have live music & my bus leaves tomorrow at 8am… Yay? 21:17:26, 2013-12-20