Te Anau

I’m here in Te Anau at the border of Fjordland for four nights, which is very nice, especially because the dorm room at the hostel is like a separate bungalow with its own kitchen, bathroom and even a TV. Yesterday I went to see the famous Milford Sound, which was very impressive, despite the wet weather. We saw snow on the way there, which was awesome, and I took a ton of photos, of course. 🙂

Today is a bit quieter, which suits me well because I caught a cold in Dunedin and am sniffling and coughing. I went for a walk along Lake Te Anau (the second biggest lake in New Zealand) and am now catching up on photo uploads. After that I’ll head out to see a scenic movie at the local cinema and then take a tour to a Glowworm Cave on the other side of the lake. Tomorrow I’m going to Doubtful Sound, which is supposed to be even more stunning then Milford. We’ll see, I guess… *g*

Btw, exam results are back, and I passed all three papers, with B, B+ and A+. That means I should get an email about graduation from Victoria any day now…

Dunedin Dunedin Te Anau - Milford Sound Milford Sound Milford Sound Te Anau

A whole lot more here, including a few little movies.