So uni started again, but I’ve been mostly preoccupied with planning what comes after: A trip down to the South Island, then to Australia before flying home. Details will follow when I’ve bought the plane tickets.
Here winter seems to finally have arrived. I don’t mind, as so far it’s been cold but dry. At least this means I didn’t have my parents send me all those winter clothes in vain… 🙂 I also seem to keep buying new clothes, which I guess is kind of stupid, because I do have clothes, even if most of them are in boxes in my parents’ basement. Everything I’m wearing in this picture, for example, was bought here, except for the tights (thank you, Cindy!):
Anyway. Yesterday I met up with Celia again and we ended up going for a bit of a ramble in the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary, which was heaps of fun. Also, a chance to show off my pretty pink coat (for which I always get compliments *g*) to some cool birds:
And last but not least: Happy birthday, Papi! I hope it’s a very good one, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow… *hugs*