Getting inked…

So I had my appointment today – and I ended up with not only my beautiful book fairy (drawn by my friend Sandi) but also with an enlargement of my first lower back tattoo. I thought I’d have to get another appointment for it, but Roger was so quick doing the little elf that I couldn’t resist the chance of getting it done in one go (plus I didn’t have to pay extra *g*). Just look at the pretty:

Getting inked Getting inked Getting inked

I’m also thinking of getting another (probably my last) one done before I leave, a Maori design to commemorate my love for this country and this amazing year that I’m having. It’ll have to be a kirituhi (“skin art”), because true moko are tapu (sacred) and only meant for Maori, and I definitely wouldn’t want to offend. I only want a piece of New Zealand to carry with me…

But enough of tattoo talk, which I know isn’t for all of you (yes, I’m looking at you, Mami and Papi *g*). Yesterday I met up with Rachel, who I know from church, and we had lunch and went for a walk on Oriental Parade. We just talked and talked and had a really amazing time.

Oriental Parade, Wellington Oriental Parade, Wellington

I’ve also been hanging out with Meredith and with my flatmates and some of Rathy’s friends, and Janne is back in town for a couple of weeks as well. The weather is pretty miserable, especially today (it’s been raining uninterruptedly all day), but with all the socialising I’ve been doing, I don’t really mind. I’m also not really getting any uni work done, but I still have time, so I’m not stressing about it just yet. 🙂