Happy Easter!

I’m enjoying my long weekend – too much so, probably, as I haven’t been working on my assignments as I should. Yesterday I showed a German/Australian traveller who’d contacted me on Couchsurfing around Wellington, and in the evening I convinced him and my flatmate Jessica to go dancing at the San Francisco Bathhouse, one of the few places that stayed open until after midnight. (Easter is one of the few holidays where most shops are actually closed, as are most bars and clubs, because they’re not allowed to serve alcohol.) I’d been dying to go, as it was an indie party, playing a lot of the kind of music that I enjoy rocking out to in my room sometimes. It was fun – there was a really diverse mix of people there, and the fact that New Zealand has a smoking ban in all public places made it even more enjoyable.

This morning I got up, had a nice breakfast with a brioche and an NZ-style ‘Hot Cross Bun’ (with cinammon and raisins, quite yummy), and then went to church. It was a really good Easter service and I really enjoyed it. It also reminded me of one of the few Bible verses I actually know by heart, and I looked it up in English:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

On that note, enjoy your long weekend! 🙂