I really like living here. My two flatmates, Lyannie (who’s moving out at the end of the month) and Jessica, are both very nice, and we’re settling into a comfortable rhythm. I have almost as much freedom as when I was living by myself, but with more space, a tv, no paying for laundry and the possibility to make conversation. 🙂
Other than this I finished my Management paper on Organisational Behaviour today, taking a two-hour exam. Not sure how well I did, but hopefully well enough to pass. In between bouts of studying, I went to a fun free concert of local band Rhombus at the waterfront on Thursday, with a new friend I made when booking my Bay of Islands/Coromandel trip at the local YHA. And on Saturday Silva had a nice goodbye party at her place – with the semester over, both her and Kathrin are going back to Germany after a bit of traveling.
I have a couple of nice pictures, including some more views from my window – I get the feeling I’ll be taking lots of photos of the beautiful sky over the bay in the next few months. But because I’m currently on dial-up internet, I’ll wait to upload them. Hopefully I’ll be on Wireless by tomorrow, as I’m leaving on the train to Auckland early on Wednesday morning. I’m really excited about my trip – Kathrin showed me photos from her and Silva’s trip to the north, and it’s gorgeous up there!