Busy week

This week’s been quite exciting – not only did I have a test on Thursday and am currently writing a 1500 word assignment for tomorrow, but I also had to decide where to move to. The flat I viewed Wednesday evening turned out to be really nice, as was the girl who showed it to me, so suddenly I had two really good options. Admittedly, I was a bit scared to go flatting with two strangers instead of living on my own, but in the end (after a couple of emergency hand-holding phone calls with the parents) I decided to give it a go.

The flat is a bit farther away than I am now, but not much, so I can still walk everywhere. Not only will it be cheaper than getting my own studio, but it’ll also be another new experience for me, as in the past I’ve only lived with my family and with a close friend. I’ll be signing the contract tomorrow evening, so wish me luck! 🙂

In other news, this morning I went to the Christian Revival Church that the guys I met in Wanaka invited me to. I liked it and think I’ll try to go there more often. People there seem very friendly and I’ve exchange mobile numbers with a girl I might have coffee with sometime. But now I should really get offline again – the assignment is only about halfway done…

[tags]accomodation, moving, church, uni[/tags]