After a wonderful weekend (photographic evidence will follow), today started less than wonderful, with humid heat and cramps (the joys of being a woman…) to accompany a long lecture and tutorial. However, I did get my grades for the Human Resources paper I took before Christmas – a very satisfactory A-. Now, if only I can manage a semi-decent effort for the test I have coming up the day after tomorrow in Organisational Behaviour…
But anyway, after uni was finally over, I went to view a flat right in the city centre, on the famous Cuba St (where there are loads of bars, tattoo shops and cafés). Then I went home to a nice hot water bottle, before heading out to check out a listing I’d seen this morning on TradeMe (the NZ version of eBay, where you can find anything from the usual auctions over cars to flats and houses). This turned out a very good find: a studio with all the amenities I have now, in a building above the shopping/business district, with several floors assigned specifically to students. Rent for students is about the same as I would pay if I stayed where I am now – and I’d even be a bit closer to campus!
They apparently still have lots of vacancies, so I’m taking the luxury of checking out another flat tomorrow evening, which would be shared but cheaper, before giving them my application. I’ll also wait to cancel Loafer’s Lodge until Thursday or Friday, I think. I did quite like it there, but the price was just a bit high for the location and the shared facilities.
So yes, unless I hear from the university accomodation services tomorrow that I can stay where I’m now, I’m pretty sure I’m moving the first weekend of February. I’ve even got a car organised – Dan, one of the guys I met in Wanaka, has generously offered his services as a chauffeur. Life is good! 🙂
[tags]moving, accomodation, uni, wellington[/tags]