I left Wanaka behind this morning and took the bus to Franz Josef, the glacier town, where I’ll spend one night before traveling on northwards. It’ll take me another two days of traveling to reach Wellington, but I don’t mind, as the landscape is truly stunning and we even take photo breaks! 🙂
Yesterday turned out to be lovely, btw – first I walked up Mt. Iron and took in the beautiful panorama, then I chilled out at the lakeside and even went for a refreshing swim. The evening I hung out with the guys from my dorm, talked, played cards and went to enjoy the beautiful Southern nightsky once more. Now I’m in the hostel in Franz Josef and will be picked up by a shuttle to take me to the glacier, so I can at least look at it, although I don’t have the time for a tour.
But the best experience of the whole day? I’d forgotten my rainjacket in Wanaka and had texted one of the guys from Wellington to take it along for me – and then, on a toilet/photo break from the bus, I ran into this very group of guys, traveling by car! So now I have my jacket again, isn’t that something? *g*