I opened the first door on my little Christmas calendar this morning. I also plan on switching on the lights I hung in my window this evening – Wellington still doesn’t feel very Christmassy, but I’m trying my best. Tomorrow Kathrin, Silva, Masumi and I will be baking cookies, and I sent off the last of my Christmas mail today.
The fact that I had ice cream at the harbour today probably doesn’t help the mood, but I’m enjoying it all in a ‘wow, that’s different!’ kind of way. I’m supposed to write my second assignment (and I will, just as soon as I finish this post here), but I couldn’t resist the sunshine (also, I had cards to post) and went to the bay, where there’s a political thingie/concert going on. Loads of hippies, punks and other alternative types as well as families with kids, all enjoying the sunshine and the music – was fun, and I sat there for a while, reading and drinking a fruit slushie. However, my conscience is too well-developed, and so, after queuing for gelati from kaffeeeis, I’m back here in the shade of my room (as much as I like it, I don’t really get any sun in here, only wind).