Two things that made me happy today

While I’ve been feeling crappy most of the day, I had two very nice surprises:

a) In between my recipes, I found the two collages I made of all my friends, which I thought I’d forgotten at home. The wall over my desk is now much less white, with so many friendly faces smiling down at me.

b) My first real mail, a Christmas calendar from my mom. This is a little tradition we have – she always picks a pretty postcard-sized calendar on the Petersplatz market in Basel, so I can open a little door every day from December 1 to Christmas Eve.

And now I’m treating myself to a danish and a muffin for dinner, accompanied by a peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks – my tastebuds are pretty numb from my cold, so sweet is good. Later I have a Skype date with the family.

Edit: A third nice surprise just came in the form of my Tagesanzeiger newsletter – apparently Ueli Maurer from the rightwing populist party SVP was beaten by green liberal Verena Diener in the election for a seat in the Zurich Senate. This is a bit of a comfort after the SVP’s win at the national elections last month. (Some information in English.)