Free time? What free time?

The HRIR (Human Resources and Industrial Relations) 201 class is going to be a killer! 9 hours a week, 2 hours tutorial, both of which have long lists of required reading, a 1-page essay every week, plus an exam at the end of the six week course… And the same in green will happen with Management 202 after Christmas. In addition to this I’m having credit card issues and am trying to get out of the internet-based class I only signed up for to get over 48 points (a requirement for my visa, or so I thought, but apparently the 44 points of my regular classes are enough after all). Just picture me knocking my head against a wall, okay?

Still, it seems to be quite interesting, lots of practical examples, and I already chatted to some of the Kiwi students. If I survive this it should be good! 🙂

Now I really should eat some lunch, it’s already 3.30pm after all, and then I have to read the texts for tomorrow. Oh, and give my credit card company another call. Oh joy…