Back in Wellington

Had a really good time with Denise, Ross, Ellie, Jack, Ben and Maddie – the kids were all fun to hang out with, especially little Maddie, who’s a cheeky and irresistibly cute little monkey. I looked after her yesterday morning at the children’s playcentre while the boys played, and it reminded me of how much I enjoy taking care of kids – it’s been a while since I had the chance. If I can, I might try to find a babysitting gig or something here in Wellington.

I arrived back here late last night, totally exhausted, the bus being about 40 minutes late. Took a cab to the hostel because I simply couldn’t be bothered trying to figure out which bus would take me to where I needed to go. I was carrying a nice big box filled with cutlery and crockery for my new home, courtesy of Denise – now I’ll definitely have to take a taxi to get all my luggage moved on Monday after the international orientation at Victoria University (which I’ve taken to calling ‘Vic U’ in my head, although I have no idea whether that’s what people call it).

No special plans for this weekend, although I’ve met a German girl who’ll also be studying at Victoria, so we might do something together. I’ll definitely have to do laundry and I might even get around to reply to some of your emails… Please don’t yell at me if I don’t, though! *g*