Because some of you might be worried after hearing about the fires in California on the news: Here in San Jose there doesn’t seem to be any danger. We’re quite a bit higher north than Los Angeles, at the foot of the San Francisco bay. It’s summer-y (almost 30°C) but not extremely hot – apparently it was cool and raining until I arrived on Friday night.
Other than that we haven’t been doing all that much so far, because of my jetlag, headaches (I’ve had them pretty much every day, probably because of the weather, but Bronwyn had an actual migraine this weekend) and today a stomach bug of some kind. So we’re mostly just enjoying each other’s company and I love meeting some of my online friends and hanging out with them.
I’ve seen parts of San Jose (the 10th biggest city in the US, but it doesn’t feel that way) and will go explore Bronwyn’s neighbourhood on foot in a little while. We’re also planning trips to the beach in Santa Cruz and (of course!) to San Francisco, and I’m looking forward to meeting some more of my online friends face-to-face. Truth be told, after all the stress of preparing for New Zealand, I’m enjoying the pressure-free life very much…