I've been planning my short trip down to the South Island (which is famous for its natural beauty and awesome scenery). Traveling around New Zealand, specially round the South Island (which has only 800 000 people living there) is pretty complicated, even more so when you're pressed for time the way I am. Therefore I'll just do a short trip around the Northern part of the island (there'll be time to go back another time…).
I've also booked a flight to Auckland from the South Island, to catch my plane to Sydney on September 16 – but looking at what I have done so far for my research (which has mostly consisted of waiting for people to hook me up with people to talk to, it seems, plus several instances of bad luck and bad timing), I slowly get the feeling that I should stay on here to do some more interviews and stuff. Denise said I am welcome to stay on with them.
I've been looking forward to Australia a lot, especially because I've been cold pretty much all the time since I arrived in New Zealand – but if staying means that I can go home with the feeling of actually having done more than just sitting around waiting, Australia might just have to wait… I'll let you know when I come to a final decision.
This weekend will be Ellie's third birthday party, and part of Denise's family (mother, two sisters, two brothers) will be here for it, as well as about 20 other kids and grown-ups tomorrow morning. We've decorated a whole room in a jungle theme, and I'll be in charge of the “Feed the Lion” game… So no traveling this weekend, I'm afraid – instead lots and lots of noise and excitement… *g*
(Sibylle, if you read this – I'd love it if you would call me on Sunday! It's ten hours difference, so if you could call between 9 or 10am your time, that'd be cool! *hugs*)