New York

I've been in the Big Apple for two days now – and it's been very exciting and a lot of fun! Haven't had a minute by myself because I'm always hanging out and walking around with Willa and Adam I met in D.C. and with some other guys I met here. A completely different (and much more strenous *g*) kind of sightseeing – but I'm having a great time!

Sibylle is arriving tomorrow afternoon and I'll get her from JFK airport – hope that goes well! It'll also be Willa's last evening in the States, so we'll definitely have to go out and savour some of the famous nightlife here…

So far I've seen quite a lot of the sights here in Manhattan – I like NYC better than I expected. I also went to see the WTC site yesterday, something that touched me a lot more than I'd thought it would.

At the moment I'm in the second hostel, but I'll head back to the HI hostel as soon as I've finished writing this – we're going to the zoo and in the afternoon to the UN! Take care!